L293D Motor Control Shield

L293D Motor Control Shield

Cập nhập: 2023-03-25 16:57:38
Đã bán: 12
Lượt xem: 422
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TQ sản xuất
- Hàng chưa qua sử dụng do Trung Quốc sản xuất.
- Hình thức: Mới
- Chất lượng: Có thể kém hơn hàng do chính hãng sản xuất
- Bảo hành: Không (nên kiểm tra với đơn mẫu)
Mã lưu trữ: B031411
Kho hàng: 8
Số lượng 1+5+10+
Giá / Module 34,00033,00032,000
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Thông tin sản phẩm

It can drive 4-way DC motor or 2-way stepper motor and also drive 2-way servo, support the new Arduino UNO, Arduino Mega 2560


You can pair it like this:

Drive four DC motors and two servos

Drive two DC motors, one stepper motor and two servos

Drive two stepper motors and two servos


Arduino is a good introduction to electronic production, and with the motor expansion board, it can be a good robot development platform. Here is a full-featured motor expansion board that can drive various simple to slightly complex projects.

This is a commonly used DC motor drive module, using 293D chip low current DC motor drive chip. The pins are made Arduino compatible, which is also convenient for enthusiasts to quickly develop based on Arduino.


- 2 5V servo motor (steering gear) ports connected to Arduino's high-resolution high-precision timer - no jitter!

- Up to 4 bidirectional DC motors and 4-way PWM speed control (about 0.5% resolution)

- Up to 2 stepper motors forward and reverse control, single/double step control, interleaved or micro step and rotation angle control.

- 4-way H-bridge: L293D chip provides .0.6A (peak 1.2A) current per bridge and has thermal power-off protection, 4.5V to 36V.

- A pull-down resistor ensures that the motor remains stopped at power-up.

- Large terminal block for easier wiring (10 - 22AWG) and power.

- With Arduino reset button.

- 2 large terminal external power terminals to ensure the separation of logic and motor drive power.

- Compatible with Mega, Diecimila, & Duemilanove.

- A full set of spare parts is provided for DIY enthusiasts who want to do it themselves.

- Download the easy-to-use Arduino software library for rapid project development


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