XL51822-D01 Module Bluetooth 4.2

XL51822-D01 Module Bluetooth 4.2

Cập nhập: 2024-02-03 17:12:15
Đã bán: 1
Lượt xem: 3013
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TQ sản xuất
- Hàng chưa qua sử dụng do Trung Quốc sản xuất.
- Hình thức: Mới
- Chất lượng: Có thể kém hơn hàng do chính hãng sản xuất
- Bảo hành: Không (nên kiểm tra với đơn mẫu)
Mã lưu trữ: A071005
Kho hàng: 1
Số lượng 1+5+10+
Giá / Module 158,000156,000155,000
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Thông tin sản phẩm

XL51822-D01 Module Bluetooth 4.2

XL52810-D01 is designed and manufactured by sampling NORDIC's latest generation Bluetooth 4.2 chip NRF 52810. The module comes with onboard antenna and supports external IP EX antenna interface. All 10 chips are derived. The new generation of nRF52810 has added many new functions. For example, the core of Cortex-M4F, which has more powerful computing power and floating-point arithmetic technology. This SoC has 196KB of Flash and 24KB of RAM, which is also much larger than other manufacturers' chips. The additional Flash and RAM space also means that nRF52810 can support multiple protocols, nRF5281 0 supports Bluetooth Smart (Low Energy), ANT/ ANT+ and proprietary 2.4GHz multiple protocols, so you can connect products like nRF51, nRF24AP and nRF24L.

  • Chip: NRF52810QFAABO
  • Frequency Range: 2360-2483MHZ
  • Module size: 21*25mm interface spacing 1.27mm
  • Output Power: 4dBm
  • Emission current: 5.3mA@0dBm
  • Receiving sensitivity: -96dBm Bluetooth
  • Receiving current 5. 4mA@1MBPS
  • Modulation: GFSK
  • Deep sleep: 0.4uA
  • Kernel: Cortex-M4F
  • RAM/FLASH: 24K/196K

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